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Posts on legal tech, litigation, & eDiscovery

Jeff Kerr

Jeff Kerr is the founder and CEO of CaseFleet, a leader in legal case management software. With a background in law and a passion for technology, Jeff brings valuable insights into the intersection of legal practice and innovative solutions. He shares his expertise through comprehensive guides and articles that help legal professionals navigate complex challenges.

Recent Posts

March 08, 2019

Email Collection for eDiscovery with Outlook

Email is involved as evidence in nearly every legal case. In 2019, it's actually really hard to imagine a case where email wouldn't have some bearing on the outcome. Even "avid off-the-gridders" has a website, and monkeys are taking selfies! Nearly...

January 24, 2019

Improving PDF-Based Document Productions: Unitization

PDF files are used in almost every industry as the standard file type for a document that has reached its “final” form, such as a signed contract, a filed pleading, or a scanned document. In contrast, when we’re still editing a document, it will be...

June 12, 2018

Database Discovery 102

In a previous post, we covered the nuts and bolts of databases and some of the terminology you need to know when discussing them. Now, we can get down to brass tacks and tell you how to get the data out so that you can use it to prove your case. ...

Litigation Management
May 14, 2018

Weighing the Benefits of Settling Your Case Out of Court

The vast majority of civil cases never go to trial. Some are dismissed because the pleadings are deficient and others are closed at a later stage, but many are settled. A settlement can feel like a win or a loss, depending on the figure. If the...

May 02, 2018

Desktop vs. Cloud-Based E-Discovery Software

In parts one and two of this series on e-discovery review software, we’ve covered the limitations of consumer-grade software for document review and the top software features you should be aware of when evaluating an e-discovery solution for your...

Litigation Management
April 23, 2018

The Top 10 Features to Look for in E-Discovery Review Software

With so many e-discovery software options available to attorneys today, it can be challenging to find the solution that best suits the needs of your firm. When reviewing a document production from your adversary, do you really need all the bells and...

April 16, 2018

The Limits of Using Consumer-Grade Software for E-Discovery

When handling e-discovery cases, we have to be careful, or we'll end up like the dog that caught the car – completely unable to handle what we receive. A large document production from an adversary can be expensive and difficult to review, so it’s...

Litigation Management
February 28, 2018

Discovery of Databases, Part I : Understanding What You’re Seeking

When I was first getting started with e-discovery, I would worry a lot about what I called "proprietary file types." I was concerned that by asking for native files I would end up with a bunch of files with an extension I'd never seen before and...

October 11, 2017

5 Strategies for Requesting and Producing Social Media in Discovery

Social media can be a goldmine of evidence for e-discovery practitioners. Is a party lying about key allegations? You might find proof. You can also learn a great deal about the relationships between the people in your case to help show bias. (I...

Litigation Management
August 10, 2017

The Cost of Using Non-Legal Software for Case Management

Perhaps you've realized that keeping your case information in notepads and Word documents isn't a good idea. You've seen how hard it is to search, filter, and collaborate with these tools, and you want something more structured — because you...