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Manage cases of any size with filters

Casefleet is built to scale. You can work cases with thousands of facts and hundreds of issues or use it for smaller cases — either way, you'll reap the same benefits. Use our new advanced filtering feature to quickly and easily view precise snapshots of your facts for reporting and review.
Activity Tab Filters User Management Litigation Creat Edit Delete Data

Ask your case any question

Using filters, you can answer almost any question about your case. Here are some examples:

  • Which facts did you learn from a key deposition?
  • Which facts did my team create today?
  • Which facts haven't been linked to an issue? 

Create snapshots highlighting each angle of your case

You can save filter and view settings using Saved Views to quickly access the same information again. You can also set a default view, which will load automatically when you visit the page. 


Saved Views Facts Tab
Reports Tab Image

Generate work-product in a click

Turn any filters applied to your facts into a report with the click of a button. Quickly generate statements of fact, deposition outlines, timelines, and more.

Start your free trial today