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Case chronology software for the 21st century

Casefleet empowers litigators to win more with tools for reviewing case evidence, organizing facts, and much more. Get started in just a few minutes - no credit card required.

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CaseFleet Timelines litigation chronology software
2024 Facts Tab Area Graph Chron

Master the facts

Casefleet includes powerful chronology building tools that show exactly what happened, who was involved, and how you'll prove each fact.

Manage your evidence

Casefleet's highlighting features harness patented technology so you can load and review evidence from within your case. Create facts in your timeline as you analyze your evidence. Your cases will be organized like never before.
2024-07 Document review

A better way to build cases

Casefleet brings together the facts of your case, important witnesses, relevant issues, and key pieces of evidence.

2024-07 Create case reports effortlessly

Powerful reporting

Imagine generating a statement of material facts, a complaint, an outline for cross examination, or initial disclosures with the click of a button. It's now possible, thanks to our reporting feature, which generates professional work product, included linked documents, just when you need it.

Full-text search

Search through all your case documents in an instant. With result highlighting, you can quickly jump into a matching document to viewing the text in context and create new facts for your chronology.
2024-07 Advanced case search

Casefleet is trusted by more than 3,000 lawyers worldwide.

Ready to learn more? We're excited to help you start achieving better case outcomes and collaborate more effectively.
quote icon
Casefleet is the best tool I’ve seen for quickly organizing the facts of a case and linking them to documents and witnesses. It’s hard to overstate how much time this saves. I recommend every litigator try it out.
<div id="hs_cos_wrapper_widget_1714755651262_" class="hs_cos_wrapper hs_cos_wrapper_widget hs_cos_wrapper_type_inline_text" style="" data-hs-cos-general-type="widget" data-hs-cos-type="inline_text" data-hs-cos-field="by">Ted Solley, Attorney</div>
Ted Solley, Attorney

Fair, no-nonsense pricing

No credit card required. Try Casefleet for free. Cancel anytime.


Build your cases with the premier fact management platform
$30 / user / month
billed annually – you save 25%
($40 month-to-month)

  • Chronology building tools
  • Link facts to issues and evidence
  • Document review
  • Up to 20 documents per case
  • DOCX and PDF report formats
  • Data visualizations
  • Witness and contact organization
  • Industry-leading data security


20 or more users? Get in touch for custom plans and pricing
Contact us

  • All Standard Features +
  • Advanced user management
  • Data migration services
  • Premium support
  • Single sign-on

Free trial frequently asked questions

How does the 14-day free trial work?
Enter your email — no credit card required! You'll be sent a link to complete registration; once that is done, your trial begins. You have access to Casefleet for 14 days (including the day you register) at no cost.
What if I want to cancel?

We don't think you'll want to, but if you decide Casefleet isn't right for you, you can cancel anytime by contacting support@casefleet.com.

Is my data safe?

The security of your information is our top priority, and we ensure that your data is encrypted both in transit to our cloud servers and at rest after it arrives. The Casefleet application is built on top of a highly secure and well-respected cloud platform.

All information is backed up, which means all data can be recovered at any time. If you wish, you also can export your data as often as you like to make local backups.

What if I need help?

We're here for you! First, we recommend checking out our Help Center, which provide step-by-step instructions for each of Casefleet's features. If you still can't find the answer you need, email us at support@casefleet.com.

Start your free trial today