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Timeline software for journalists

An organized and clear chronology can shed light on the truth of a case or story. Learn how Casefleet can help you uncover the nuanced details that prove your theory.

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CaseFleet Timelines litigation chronology software

Facts first

Facts and evidence are the lifeblood of effective journalism. Casefleet's "facts first" methodology helps you build and organize a detailed chronology of events. Link each and every fact to:

  • The persons, things, or places involved;
  • The date, time, or range of dates and times;
  • The category or tags for the event; and
  • Any proof or supporting evidence.

Expose the hidden story

Casefleet helps you uncover the hidden story in the data. Visualize your carefully-constructed narrative in either a chronology or timeline format, and connect the dots of what really happened, and when. Bring to light recurring themes, analyze temporal relationships, and substantiate the truth.

CaseFleet Webpage Search V9

Find what you need, fast

Quickly locate precise information within your chronology and supporting evidence using Casefleet's powerful search feature. Jump to the exact information you're looking for in a record, and access all the critical components of your case — from anywhere.

Casefleet's timeline software for journalists overview video




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